CitiLight, Visibility in Motion | Decision 2811951

OPPOSITION No B 2 811 951 Citizen Electronics Co. Ltd., 23-1, Kamikurechi 1-chome, Fujiyoshida-shi, Yamanashi  403-0001, Japan (opponent), represented by Elzaburu S.L.P., Miguel Angel, 21, 28010 Madrid, Spain (professional representative) a g a i n s t CitiLight A/S, Arresoevej 15, 8240 Risskov, Denmark (applicant). On 14/08/2017, the Opposition Division takes the following DECISION: 1.        Opposition No B 2 811 951 is partially upheld, namely

Bever Innovations EOS | Decision 2793886

WIDERSPRUCH Nr. B 2 793 886 Eos Saunatechnik GmbH, Schneiderstriesch 1, 35759 Driedorf, Deutschland (Widersprechende), vertreten durch Advotec. Patent- und Rechtsanwälte, Georg-Schlosser-Str. 6, 35390 Gießen, Deutschland (zugelassener Vertreter) g e g e n 4Bever Beheer B.V., Industrieweg 32, 4301RS Zierikzee, Niederlande (Anmelderin), vertreten durch Octrooibureau Griebling BV, Sportweg 10, 5037 AC Tilburg, Niederlande (zugelassener Vertreter). Am 14.08.2017 ergeht durch

THE LEVANT EXPRESS | Decision 2793852

OPPOSITION No B 2 793 852 Compagnie du Ponant, 408, Avenue du Prado, 13008 Marseille, France (opponent), represented by Myriam Angelier, 3, Place Félix Baret, 13006 Marseille, France (professional representative) a g a i n s t Ibrahim Rifat Edin, Tahlisiye Yolu, Kupeste Sokak, Eski Tahlisiye Binasi, no:1, Kisirkaya Köyü, Kilyos, Sariyer-Istanbul, Turquie (applicant), represented by Silex IP, Poeta Joan

BLANCHE | Decision 2693771

OPPOSITION No B 2 693 771 Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH, Sektkellereistr. 5, 06632 Freyburg, Germany (opponent), represented by Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH, Lucia Schwab, Matheus-Müller-Platz 1 65343 Eltville am Rhein, Germany (employee representative) a g a i n s t Barrymore, 9 Impasse Carles, 13007 Marseille, France (applicant), represented by Novagraaf France, Bâtiment O2 – 2, rue Sarah Bernhardt, 90017, 92665 Asnières-sur –Seine,

Catwalk | Decision 2770439

OPPOSITION No B 2 770 439 Dosenbach-Ochsner AG Schuhe und Sport, Allmendstr 25, 8953 Dietikon, Switzerland (opponent), represented by Klaka, Delpstr 4, 81679 Munich, Germany (professional representative) a g a i n s t Xiaobi Shan, No. 63, WenHuaBu, Wenxi Town, Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China (applicant), represented by Beetz & Partner, Steinsdorfstr. 10, 80538 Munich, Germany (professional representative). On 14/08/2017, the

Pizza Metro Pizza | Decision 1892028 – MIP METRO Group Intellectual Property GmbH & Co. KG v. Palladino Diego

OPPOSITION No B 1 892 028 MIP METRO Group Intellectual Property GmbH & Co. KG, Metro-Str. 1, 40235 Düsseldorf, Germany (opponent), represented by Thomas Honnet,  MIP METRO Group Intellectual Property GmbH & Co. KG,  Metro-Str. 1, 40235 Düsseldorf, Germany (employee representative) a g a i n s t Palladino Diego, 50 The Avenue, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 5ES, United

wel! | Decision 2740457

OPPOSITION n° B 2 740 457 Tecnifar – Indústria Técnica Farmacêutica, S.A., Rua Tierno Galvan, Torre 3, 12º Piso Amorairas, 1099-036 Lisbonne, Portugal (opposante), représentée par J.E. Dias Costa, LDA., Rua do Salitre, 195, 1269-063 Lisbonne, Portugal (mandataire agréé) c o n t r e Coop-Gruppe Genossenschaft, Thiersteinerallee 12, 4053 Bâle, Suisse (titulaire), représentée par Meyerlustenberger Lachenal, 222 Avenue Louise,

CORAL RED | Decision 2753708

OPPOSITION No B 2 753 708 Aldi Einkauf GmbH & Co. OhG, Eckenbergstr. 16 A, 45307 Essen, Germany (opponent), represented by Schmidt, Von Der Osten & Huber Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Partnerschaft Mbb, Haumannplatz 28, 45130 Essen, Germany (professional representative) a g a i n s t Nakhla Tobacco Co. S.A.E., 3 Soliman Al Halabi Street, Azbakia, Cairo, Egypt (applicant), represented

CamCube | Decision 2520461 – GROUPE CANAL+, SA v. APROTECH GmbH

OPPOSITION No B 2 520 461 Groupe Canal+, SA, 1, place du Spectacle, 92130 Issy Les Moulineaux, France (opponent), represented by Brandstorming, 11, rue Lincoln, 75008 Paris, France (professional representative) a g a i n s t Aprotech GmbH, Happurger Str. 62b, 90482 Nürnberg, Germany (applicant), represented by Breuer Lehmann Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft MBB, Steinsdorfstr. 19, 80538 München, Germany (professional representative).