IMAGIN BANK | Decision 2693284

OPOSICIÓN Nº B 2 693 284 Imagic Vision, S. L., C. Tomás Redondo, 3. 4º A-B, 28033 Madrid, España (parte oponente), representada por Oficina Ponti, SLP, Consell de Cent, 322, 08007 Barcelona, España (representante profesional) c o n t r a Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona "la Caixa", Av. Diagonal 621-629, 08028 Barcelona, España (solicitante), representado por


OPPOSITION No B 2 635 939 S. Hatzifotiou Abee-Patisseries-Bakeries (Σ. Χατζηφωτίου Αβεε Ζαχαροπλαστεία – Αρτοποιία), 24th Klm. Thessaloniki-N. Moudania, 57500  Kato Sxolari, Municipality of Micra, Greece (opponent), represented by Rigas Giovannopoulos, 47, Polytechneiou Str., 54625  Thessaloniki, Greece (professional representative) a g a i n s t Γεώργιος Χατζηφωτίου, Ι. Μεταξά 12 Γ Πανόραμα Θεσσαλονίκης, Θεσσαλονίκη, Greece (applicant), represented by Theodoros Gousios, 43

CRAFTING JOY | Decision 2633843

OPPOSITION No B 2 633 843 Joy Shop Aktiebolag, Falkenbergsgatan 3, 412 85 Gothenburg, Sweden (opponent), represented by Kanter Advokatbyrå KB, Box 1435, 111 84 Stockholm, Sweden (professional representative) a g a i n s t Barts Beheer B.V., Moermanskkade 101, 1013 BC Amsterdam, The Netherlands (applicant), represented by Rise, Frederik van Eedenplein 4, 2106 ED Heemstede, The Netherlands

OCEAN CAMPUS | Decision 2749680

OPPOSITION No B 2 749 680 Encampus Residencias de Estudiantes, S.A., C/ Serrano, nº 30 – Planta 2ª, Madrid 28001, Spain (opponent), represented by Clarke, Modet y Cía. S.L., Rambla de Méndez Núñez, 12 – 1º Puerta 2 bis, 03002 Alicante, Spain (professional representative) a g a i n s t Oceanic Holding AB, Manufakturgatan 4, 41707 Gothenburg, Sweden (applicant).

ALENA | Decision 2710187

OPPOSITION No B 2 710 187 AENA, S.A., C/ Arturo Soria Nº 109, 28043 Madrid, Spain (opponent), represented by María Covadonga Fernández-Vega Feijoo, C/ Carbonero y Sol, 42 A, 28006 Madrid, Spain (professional representative) a g a i n s t Phoenix Reisen GmbH, Pfälzer Str. 14, 53111 Bonn, Germany (applicant), represented by Dr. Schackow & Partner Rechtsanwälte Partg mbB,


OPPOSITION No B 2 713 298 Meffert AG Farbwerke, Sandweg 15, 55543 Bad Kreuznach, Germany (opponent), represented by Rheinpatent Kodron & Mackert, Hindenburgplatz 3B, 55118 Mainz, Germany (professional representative) a g a i n s t General Paint Co., Ghazir Industrial City, Ghazir, Lebanon (applicant), represented by CA Advocates, 33 Klimentos 4th Floor, Office 401, 1061 Nicosia, Cyprus (professional

Twister | Decision 2714452

WIDERSPRUCH Nr. B 2 739 160 Retsch GmbH, Retsch-Allee 1-5, 42781 Haan, Deutschland (Widersprechende), vertreten durch von Rohr Patentanwälte Partnerschaft mbB, Rüttenscheider Str. 62, 45130 Essen, Deutschland (zugelassener Vertreter) g e g e n BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 München, Deutschland (Anmelderin). Am 13/07/2017 ergeht durch die Widerspruchsabteilung die folgende ENTSCHEIDUNG: 1.        Der Widerspruch Nr. B 2 739 160 wird in seiner Gesamtheit

Twister | Decision 2739160

WIDERSPRUCH Nr. B 2 739 160 Retsch GmbH, Retsch-Allee 1-5, 42781 Haan, Deutschland (Widersprechende), vertreten durch von Rohr Patentanwälte Partnerschaft mbB, Rüttenscheider Str. 62, 45130 Essen, Deutschland (zugelassener Vertreter) g e g e n BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 München, Deutschland (Anmelderin). Am 13/07/2017 ergeht durch die Widerspruchsabteilung die folgende ENTSCHEIDUNG: 1.        Der Widerspruch Nr. B 2 739 160 wird in seiner Gesamtheit

ARSALLIS | Decision 2763756

OPPOSITION No B 2 763 756 BP p.l.c., 1 St James’s Square, London SW1Y 4PD, United Kingdom (opponent), represented by BP Group Trade Marks, 20 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NJ, United Kingdom (employee representative) a g a i n s t Αριστειδησ Τσιαντοσ, Πατριαρχου Ιωακειμ 18 Βασ Παυλου 73, 16673 Voula, Greece (applicant). On 13/07/2017, the Opposition

ROSA THEA | Decision 2717505

OPPOSITION No B 2 717 505 Adler Modemärkte AG, Industriestr. Ost 1-7, 63808 Haibach, Germany (opponent), represented by Adler Modemärkte AG, Christina Hambeck-Joh, Industriestr. Ost  1-7 63808 Haibach, Germany (employee representative) a g a i n s t OVS S.p.A., Via Terraglio 17, 30174 Venezia Mestre (VE), Italy (applicant), represented by Ufficio Brevetti Rapisardi S.r.l., Via Serbelloni 12, 20122