ELANVIT | Decision 2791716

OPPOSITION No B 2 791 716 Lusomedicamenta – Sociedade Técnica Farmacêutica, S.A., Estrada Consiglieri Pedroso, n°69 b Queluz De Baixo, 2730-055 Barcarena, Portugal (opponent), represented by J. Pereira Da Cruz, S.A., Rua Victor Cordon, 14, 1249-103 Lisboa, Portugal (professional representative) a g a i n s t Natiris – Centro Dietético, S.A., Centro Empresarial Sintra-Estoril VIII, fracções A/B, Estrada de Albarraque

MONDO SOFA | Decision 2682683

OPPOSITION No B 2 682 683 Begros Bedarfsgüter Großhandelsgesellschaft für Wohnung und Heim Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Graf-Zeppelin-Str. 5, 46149 Oberhausen, Germany (opponent), represented by Weber & Sauberschwarz, Königsallee 62, 40212 Düsseldorf, Germany (professional representative) a g a i n s t Mondo Sofa S.r.l., Via del Tratturo, 80, 47032 Bertinoro (FC), Italy (applicant), represented by Aldo Antonino Micali, Via

Rubax | Decision 2710609

OPPOSITION No B 2 710 609 Cristalfarma S.r.l., Via S. G. Cottolengo, 15, 20143 Milan, Italy (opponent), represented by Con Lor S.P.A., Avda Aguilera, 19 – 1ºB, 03007 Alicante, Spain (professional representative) a g a i n s t PharmaFGP GmbH, Am Haag 14, 82166 Gräfelfing, Germany (holder), represented by Boehmert & Boehmert Anwaltspartnerschaft mbB – Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte, Hollerallee 32,

WETTER | Decision 2713702

OPPOSITION No B 2 713 702 TWC Product and Technology LLC, 300 Interstate North Parkway, Atlanta, Georgia 30339, United States of America (opponent), represented by Sylvie Martin, Compagnie IBM France, IBM France Intellectual Property Department Zac Meridia Immeuble – The Crown-,  21 Avenue Simone Veil CS 43338, 06206 Nice Cedex, France (employee representative) a g a i n s t Wetter.com

IMS | Decision 2743766

OPPOSITION n° B 2 743 766 Atesora Conocimiento, S.L., Calle Adolfo Pérez Esquivel 3 Oficina 12, 28232 Las Rozas (Madrid), Espagne (opposante), représentée par Marco & Asociados Patentes y Marcas, S.L., C/ Carpinteros, 6 Planta 2ª, Oficina 35, (Parque Empresarial Pinares Llanos), 28670 Villaviciosa de Odon (Madrid), Espagne (mandataire agréé) c o n t r e MZ Holding AG,

WIEK | Decision 2493149 – Heineken Nederland B.V. v. Bee Dance OÜ

OPPOSITION No B 2 493 149 Heineken Nederland B.V., Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21, 1017 ZD Amsterdam, Netherlands (opponent), represented by Chiever BV, Barbara Strozzilaan 201, 1083 HN Amsterdam, Netherlands (professional representative) a g a i n s t Bee Dance OÜ, Trummi tn 30e, 12617 Tallinn, Estonia (applicant), represented by Koppel Patendibüroo OÜ, Oja tee 22-2, Tiskre, Harku vald, 76916 Harjumaa, Estonia (professional