ECLIPS | Decision 2533258 – Space Jam Juice, LLC v. Thierry CAI

OPPOSITION DIVISION OPPOSITION No B 2 533 258 Space Jam Juice, LLC, 18001 Mitchell South, Irvine, California 92614, United States of America (opponent), represented by Dehns, St Bride’s House, 10 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8JD, United Kingdom (professional representative) a g a i n s t Thierry Cai, 23 Villa Curial, 75019 Paris, France (applicant),

Ole! | Decision 2519919 – AGRICOLA COSTA LEVANTE, S.L. v. OKECHAMP S.A.

OPPOSITION DIVISION OPPOSITION No B 2 519 919 Agrícola Costa Levante, S.L., Calle Mayor 106, 03314 San Bartolomé-Orihuela (Alicante), Spain (opponent), represented by Gestimarcas, Calle Dr. Sirvent 4, Entlo. Dcha., 03160 Almoradí (Alicante), Spain (professional representative) a g a i n s t Okechamp S.A., ul. Dabrowskiego 259, 60-406 Poznań, Poland (applicant), represented by Kancelaria

EC Technology | Decision 2603150

WIDERSPRUCHSABTEILUNG WIDERSPRUCH Nr. B 2 603 150 Shenzhen EC Technology Company Limited, 14RST, B Block, No.9 Building, Bao Neng Science Park, Qingxiang Road, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, Volksrepublik China (Widersprechende), vertreten durch Yu Lin, Kleine Johannisstr. 6, 20457 Hamburg, Deutschland (zugelassener Vertreter) g e g e n Infosystem Technology LLC, Delaware Intercorp Inc.,

M2Me | Decision 2814245

OPPOSITION DIVISION OPPOSITION No B 2 814 245 GmbH, Elsenheimerstr. 43, c/o R.A.W. Unternehmensberatung GmbH, 80687 München, Germany (opponent), represented by Mitscherlich, Patent- Und Rechtsanwälte, Partmbb, Sonnenstraße 33, 80331 München, Germany (professional representative) a g a i n s t Etic Telecom, 13 Chemin du Vieux Chêne, 38240 Meylan, France (applicant). On 12/10/2017, the

Anicol | Decision 2801028

OPPOSITION DIVISION OPPOSITION No B 2 801 028 Pharmalink International Limited, c/o Third Floor, 31 C-D, Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (opponent), represented by Løje, Arnesen & Meedom Advokatpartnerselskab, Øster Allé 42, 6, 2100 København Ø, Denmark (professional representative) a g a i n s t

Fiore | Decision 2610650

OPPOSITION No B 2 610 650 Gallega de Distribuidores de Alimentación, S.A., Polígono de Piadela s/n, 15300 Betanzos (Coruña), Spain (opponent), represented by Javier Ungría López, Avda. Ramón y Cajal, 78, 28043 Madrid, Spain (professional representative) a g a i n s t Monte Bianco S.A., Strada Laminorului 16, 130089 Targoviste, Romania (applicant), represented by Cristian Nastase, Splaiul Independentei